Products & Services FAQ:
Q: How will I know when new products are in stock?
A: Sign up for email updates and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Littleoliversoapcompany. We often post pictures and videos of upcoming products.
Q: Are your products safe for children?
A: It would be best to consult a pediatrician or dermatologist before deciding to use any handmade soap or skincare product on children, infants, or babies. Due to their differences in epidermal PH, I personally would recommend a using something that is specifically formulated for their age group.
Q: Can you make a product with [insert ingredient]?
A: We're open to suggestions. If you have an idea for a type of product that you think we should add, send us a message through the contact us page or dm us on Instagram.
Q: Do your products have essential oils?
A: Some do have EOs. More commonly in body butters and sugar scrubs. All of our soaps are scented with fragrance oils at the moment, but we hope to release a collection of soaps with essential oils and natural colorants someday. If certain fragrance oils have caused any problems for you in the past then use discretion before purchasing.
Q: Do your products contain preservatives?
A: Our emulsified body butters and sugar scrubs contain a broad spectrum paraben and formaldehyde free preserve called Optiphen at 1.5% of the total product formulation weight.
Q: why do your products contain preservatives?
A: In short, because some products contain water as an ingredient or are used in the shower where they will come into contact with water. Where there is water there is life. Our preserve contains no toxicity at 1.5% and it prevents the growth of mold and harmful acne and rash causing bacteria in your skincare products.
Q: Do you have a physical mail catalog of your products?
A: Right now the closest thing we have is our email newsletter, but we may offer that option in the future.
Q: Do you have samples of your products?
A: Yes. Samples will be added to the site periodically.
Q: How long will a bar of your soap last
A: We use sodium lactate in our bars to increase hardness and longevity and we cure our bars for at least 6 weeks (often times more). The longevity of the soap will vary from person to person depending on several factors including, a person's body type, length and frequency of your showers, How the soap is stored when not in use, and the way that the bar is being used. Generally speaking, as long as you use a washcloth or bath sponge and store the soap in a draining soap dish between uses, a single bar of soap for a single person should last a minimum of 3 weeks, or 25-30 total showers.
Purchasing FAQ:
Q: I wanted to buy a particular soap, but it says on the website that it is sold out. Do you have any more?
A: We make our products in batches and list the entire inventory for sale. If an item is marked as sold out, that means that the entire inventory for that product has been purchased. Soaps take up to 6 weeks to restock. All other products will restock much sooner unless the item is being discontinued.
Q: I, or the person that I am purchasing for is allergic to [insert ingredient here]. Can you make me a product without that ingredient?
A: We understand that some people are allergic to different oils, colorants, or other ingredients. Please read ingredients carefully before purchasing. We don't want to tweak our recipe too much. Different ingredients create different properties (Lather, cleansing, texture, absorption rate, moisturizing, firmness, etc.) in skincare products and we would like for all of the properties in the products that we sell to remain consistent.
Processing & Shipping FAQ:
Q: How long will it take for my item to ship?
A: It typically takes 1-3 business days, but in rare cases may take up to 5 business days for orders to be processed and shipped, You will be notified via email when your item is shipped.An announcement will be posted at the top of the home page If processing times are delayed and expected to extend past 5 business days.
Q: Can I return my order for a refund? I changed my mind/no longer want the item.
A: Due to the nature of the products we sell, we can not accept returns, but if you have any problems contact us and we'll do our best to help you or issue a refund.
Q: My package was damaged in transit. My item is ruined!
A: If your item suffers damage in transit, email us right away and we will try to rectify the situation. If a replacement is not available we can also offer store credit.
Q: I want to cancel/change my order. How can I do this?
A: Edits and cancelations can not be made once processing is completed and shipping is in progress. If the cancel/edit buttons are grayed out on your order history and confirmation screen, this means that the timeframe for edits and cancelations has closed.