Herbal skin care — skincare

Busted: 7 Common Skin Care Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Posted by Lance Hunter on

Busted: 7 Common Skin Care Myths You Need To Stop Believing
You may be surprised to find that some of the core things that you've come to believe about skin care may not be true at all, or may hold some truth, but not exactly in the way that you think. In this blog post, we will explore 7 myths about skin care that need to be debunked.

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8 tips to heal sunburn fast

Posted by Lance Hunter on

8 tips to heal sunburn fast
The summer months are a time that many people look forward to because there are so many opportunities to frolic in the sun and soak up some energizing vitamin D. However, As our time spent having fun in the sun increases, so too does our chances of suffering a painful sunburn. Were here to help you with 8 tips to soothe sunburn and help with the healing process. 

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Aloe vera soap: Benefits for sensitive skin

Posted by Lance Hunter on

Aloe vera soap: Benefits for sensitive skin

What is aloe vera? There are literally hundreds of species of aloe plants but the one that you're probably familiar with is the one you see at home depot or your local health foods store...you know...the weird looking one with the fat, thick walled, squishy green leaves that you can't help squeezing every time you see it...or maybe that's just a me thing. The aloe vera plant is sometimes referred to as a "wonder plant" due to its wide array of reported medicinal and therapeutic benefits. It's leaves are filled with a thick clear gel-like pulp call aloe vera gel....

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